Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Geocentric: Astronomical Evidence

This might be a stretch, as I'm no astronomer, but we're going to look at some simple ideas to entertain the mind. First we're going to consider the constellations. They don't change much over time. I'm pretty sure we see the same stars in the sky year round, except maybe a few constellations change in visibility. This seems illogical to me in a heliocentric model, so we'll explore the idea.

Check out Eric Dubay's video on star trails. Star trails are a phenomenon that show how stars rotate around the north star, or Polaris, in the northern hemisphere. For those not world savvy that's visible by everyone in the top half of the world. Canada and America for instance would see this just fine in their night's sky. All it takes is a little stop motion animation with a decent camera.

Notice how the video puts this nicely. Polaris is about stationary to our pole and the stars circle around it.

Here's where the logic gets tricky. According to modern science, and likely our good folks at NASA, our earth is doing some pretty amazing things. It's spinning in a circle at 1000/mph. They claim that it's tilted, and wobbling. That's not all though. We're also travelling around the sun in orbit. This is no twenty minute hike for our world. It's a whopping 5,000,000 miles! We're also moving at lighting speeds. 18 miles per second. That's incredible. Simply incredible!

If tiled, spinning, wobbling, and moving 5,000,000 miles around the sun, how is that we see the same stars in the night's sky unmoved? How is it every night they do the same circle around Polaris? Why is the big dipper still the big dipper in the first 5,000 miles, and not the little soup pan by the 4 millionth mile? Tell me if I'm wrong, but that doesn't sound possible. They also tell us the entire system is shaking about, like food in a blender. Why don't we detect the movement in star light? If it was merely distance you would think we would see previous shakes, like flashlights being moved about in the sky.

That's science. They say we're moving a lot of billions of millions of billions, but how so? How on earth do the stars continue to circle Polaris, and how on earth do we not get skewed angels of vision on our constellations? I hope this science is more logical than evolution, and no I don't believe in evolution. If not, our books are in for some major changes.

Here's an article from good ol' NASA.

"The person who discovered that the stars move was the great British astronomer Edmond Halley, who also has a famous comet named after him. Almost 300 years ago he noticed that a few stars in charts made by Greek sky watchers were not in quite the same location anymore. Those charts were more than 1600 years old then, and even over that time, the bright stars Sirius, Arcturus, and Aldebaran had shifted position only slightly."

How do we know that it's not just the stars that have moved? Also movement was observed in different ways in different time periods. In 100 AD Ptolemy, another Greek astronomer, believed the sun and stars were moving. Even people today consider this geocentric model as viable, claiming observation has proved science wrong.

Here's another quote from the NASA article:

"Besides their motion, the appearances of stars change as they age. Take my favorite constellation Scorpius, for example. A couple of years ago, the middle of the three stars that make the head of the scorpion became brighter. The constellation now has a new look!"

I wonder if they notice these observations, but because they have built on bad science, they think the outcomes are of different causes than actually caused them. Being a Christian gives me a different view of the world, allowing for God controlled change, but of course this will not work in everyone's view.

Really, can we trust NASA? Can we trust an organization that taught us everything there is to know about the sun years before they ever went there? They still haven't gone yet by the way. Can we trust them to tell us the truth about Solar Probe Plus? I would really love to hear more about this magic fuel supply for a 186 million mile journey to the sun, how they plan on getting there unhindered, and maybe their magic 186 million mile internet data relay system, and of course the magic paint they're going to use to keep it from burning up in the million degree Celsius temperatures. That's not to mention the slick sailing their going to have to do to get through the supposed million mile an hour winds they claim whip around the celestial star. I'm glad I'm not sailing a boat at sea in those winds, I'd end up torn to splinters and likely somewhere in Hong Kong. Trust me the rough winter seas are enough to turn you around in the Bay of  Funday. 40-50/mph is enough. A million and your over the horizon.

Occult NASA

This is an interesting video. I'm not sure what I make of the idea of project blue beam, or if I even believe in it, but this has interesting information on NASA and their occult ties. Readers might be surprise about how little they know about the space agency and the spirit behind it. Lets not forget the number of  high level masons involved.

You might want to wonder why the government wants you to believe in aliens.

And Horten IV, and old pro-type from Germany.

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