Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Elisa Lam - Complete Media Overview

Elisa Lam. We’ve all heard of the tragic event. A young girl from Canada found in the water tank of the infamous Cecil Hotel in Los Angeles. This topic is buzzed about in mainstream media, and talked about by theorists, who try desperately to search her blogs and web content to solve the mystery of what happened. I’ve done the same thing, but after looking into it, I think the opposite is true. We may not be trying to find out what happened, but rather, we may be trying to find out what didn’t happen.

These two pictures appear on the web. Validity of the right most picture is hard to confirm, but lets break them down anyway. The girl on the right is brighter, more lit up naturally. Her chin is more narrow. Her mouth is thinner, and her lower lip is fatter. When comparing the photos the teeth are most striking to the eye. The girl on the left has large front teeth, while her other teeth are like little chompers. The girl on the right has extremely different teeth, with different shade. Its might not be enough, what if the right photo was never her to begin with. Lets look at the elevator photo.

Even this photo, does not look like the same girl. The face is chubbier, and hard to get a positive match. Publications claim that “clothes like these.” were found in the water tank with her. What do you mean, clothes like these? They can’t make a simple ID on clothes after a couple of weeks? This should be simple.

She has a blog. Nouvelle/Neveau.

Question. Why was her blog posting until December 2013? Her body was discovered in February. Mainstream has claimed que, or that her phone has been stolen. Her phone was not recovered. Okay, so deeper question. Do we believe this question cannot be answered? We know tumblr is a world class platform. I assume they clock IP addresses and likely store latest IP per post and login. Tumblr and law enforcement could EASILY find out what IP was last associated with the account, and how the posts are made. Her phone wasn't found? Well that's a no brainier. We know in 2013 EVERY phone can be traced and triangulated via many methods. They even pinpointed Toni Anderson's last phone pings near Platte Park, where she would later be found in the Missouri River. Not hard. So why is law enforcement holding back information? Simple answer, they KNOW if someone is using her phone and where it was last used? This should not be a question on Wiki as to whether or not the posts were made via que or a stolen phone. Lets just face it. They know where the phone went dead, if it's being used, and can find out exactly how blog posts are being made to her account. I'm a beginning mysql programmer, and I'm competent enough for all these things, which is why I HIGHLY question Google mysteriously not being able to keep track of simple number counts, but that's another topic.
Where is her family? Elisa apparently has a father, mother, and sister. David and Yinna Lam are parents, while Sarah Lam is her sister. No searches bring up a picture of David that I could find, but the image above shows mother and sister according to CTV news. The sister gets suspicious, at least in my own opinion.
We hear of a court case but no proof it ever took place. No news videos of mother or father talking about their allegations against Cecil Hotel? The parents are silent. They don’t exist, aside from a couple of pictures, and a few mainstream media mentions, it seems they don’t exist. Do they exist?
What substantiates any of them exist? While, oddly, the answer is not much.

We have a claim of Alex Ristea knowing Elisa, but the only place he is mentioned is mainstream news, all showing the same quote. A man with the same name shared a post on her. He has very psychotic eyes, just saying, maybe find out where he was that month.

He reviews fiction. A literature buff. I wonder if fiction is a key word here. If this is what I’m beginning to think it could be, than this would make a lot of sense. There are symbols and signs at every corner, notes hidden in the art.

University of British Columbia spokesman Randy Schmidt confirmed that Lam had attended summer school at the university, but was not enrolled that year. Strange, Wiki claims she is/was a student that year. She was dropping classes, so obviously, there are problems getting the facts straight. That could just be Wiki, although we know Wiki is controlled. Try editing something substantial with truth. Anything relevant will not be accepted. The truth will vanish.

Proof? Prove it to yourself.

Adam Wieshaupt, founder of Illuminati. The Wiki page states "It's unlikely Illuminati influence continued after his exile." Check the dates of his books, most written during his exile. Dare you to update his page to say, "Since most of his books were written in exile, it's unlikely to believe some Illuminati influence hasn't been precipitated after his exile." What do you think happens?

Okay, but what about Randy Schmidt. Acting as university spokesperson he claims Elisa Lam existed and was there for a summer course, although the claim of her not having courses that year contradicts Wiki. Same here, Schmidt's comment is only confirmed by mainstream media. Would be nice to see a post made by Schmidt, but I cannot claim it doesn't exist. One video on all YouTube suggests a Randy Schmidt exists at UBC. A senior editor, it calls him. I have no idea how universities work, but why is the news department acting as a spokesperson as to whether or not someone took a class at the school?

Sarah Lam, another confirmed witness with seemingly no history. The sister of alleged Elisa Lam. A Twitter account shows up under her name. We can all make those. Fake subscribers to make it look bloated are a dime a dozen, well 10,000 for $10 really. There's a website. Sarah Lam Beauty. Her sister is a cosmetic expert. Search Sarah Lam on YouTube. Is it odd nearly a dozen accounts pop up immediately, but none are her? All of them Asian, with under 5 subscribers, most with 1 video? For me, the first is an all seeing eye profile pic. Designed results? I feel strangely like I'm facing a bunch of sock puppet accounts. 1 subscriber 1 video. What the heck, twilight zone?

Look at the "about page" on her site:

Is that big chick her, the one doing the makeup? But, wait a minute, that doesn't match the profile pic on the Twitter. At all. It doesn’t even match the photo of her with her mother Yinna. Check the image title on her about page. Sarah+Lam+Makeup+Coverimage.

Her portfolio is extensive, looks like she should be famous, well known for makeup. Or is it fake? Can her name be found associated with any of the wedding shows she is claimed to have participated in? A quick Google search doesn't show any listings in meta data.

Google search the company. Sarah Lam Beauty. By the fourth page all information obscures into oblivion. Where does it initially exist? Nowhere apparently. The company website itself, and a few websites anyone can sign up on to promote their company. Yelps. Etsy. Ect.

One website claims to have made her business cards. Real deal, or attempt to make sock puppet accounts look real? Obviously you need something to pull of a psyop. A psyop wouldn’t be a psyop without a few believable cherries on top. Well, if you're brave, there's a number on the card. One call may or may not crack the case.

Google the phone number. Largely un-unused, not even a page in the results linking it to Sarah Lam, not even the page comes up with the business card
The following video must prove something has happened, right? Someone filed a lawsuit:

The lawsuit is filed over taste of water. Was this taste really attributed to a body, or was something put in the tank to produce a rancid taste? Was there even a lawsuit? Don't even know those people.
Okay, so back to Sarah’s site. Check out the portfolio section. Her photos are professional quality. She has wedding photos, some with 20 some girls in it. Apparently she has done makeup for shows. What are the odds this company would be so obscure?

They link her Instagram on site:

Hm, another profile image, interesting, this seems to be the 3rd Sarah Lam profile pic, with yet another Asian chick. How many Sarah Lams are there? Can I prove it? No, but my eyes are telling me these are different girls. Again, this is my own opinion based on exploration.

Pinterest? Sure thing:

Hm, no profile picture. That's professional. What's the odds of that? Prestigious profile that might make hopeful vogue beauticians jealous, but no profile on Pinterest. For a makeup artist, looking for fame, yet having a large portfolio, I'm finding this odd. Where's her YouTube account? Where's her personal makeup tips videos? Where's her videos period? Where's her photos? No photo of herself other than Twitter profile and Instagram profile and they don't even match in my opinion!

Lets get nitty gritty on website design.

She has a blog:

One entry, with 2 comments. This is the page it goes to when you click the entry.

Wow, 2 comments that do NOT exist. Even the code is fake. How do I know? I can code. Look at the HTML for the link that should go to the comments. <br /> <pre><a class="entry-comments" href="" title="Comments"> 2 Comments </a> </pre>
The link goes to a fake anchor on the same page, not to comments. Not even to a different page.

I'm ready to throw in the towel on this one. I'm almost 100% set on saying this event does NOT exist in reality. It seems it only exists in the mind we call mainstream media. This has been expressed before, but make your own decisions. This is only flesh deep research and a personal opinion. I don't think these guys care about getting caught.

What is the reason? I don't know. If it really is a conspiracy there has been one good explanation: a possible cover up for a biological attack on Skid Row/LA. There was a tuberculosis outbreak and extremely odd, is the fact that a test kid released around the same time has been named LAM-ELISA.

Are there other good reasons? Well, if we're dealing with higher powers who knows what they're thinking, right? Sell movies, make media, test their influence, ect, ect. Power rituals, the list goes on. We'll never know in this life. If it's a fake event, they're not sending out the memo. You just have to figure it out.

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