Monday, November 24, 2014

Cartoons (Tainted.)

This is an awesome video for new parents, parents expecting kids, and parents already raising children. This should hit home with those who are awakening to the truth of this world, and beginning to see there are networks of evil and misled societies working in our world.

For those that don't know what's going on, here's the assumption of many, including myself. Remember the following information isn't made up. It's confirmed, and I've proved it on other posts through links to the company.

There are esoteric groups which have come together in planning. One of the biggest pushers of their agenda is Lucis Trust, once known as Lucifer Publishing Company. Right now they have operations within United Nations. They wrote a books called "Externalization of the Hierarchy" which outlined their plan to do the following.

1) Indoctrinate with symbols
2) Create a world religion
3) Create a world government
4) Wait for the return of their masters, their Master, and the Christ.

They're liars who have lied to many people and are guilty of giving Lucifer love he doesn't deserve.

In later posts I'll show how polluted these people are.

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