Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Under Attack (Drop That Plate)

I know lots of people don’t get down with Christianity and likely hate it, but if you stick around and read these posts I’ll take you on a mind trip you may never have thought possible. It seems now more than ever Christianity is under attack. In the United States this is amazingly prevalent. Their military was given a list of terrorist threats, and oddly enough evangelical Christians were at the top of that list. You might be surprised to see other groups such as Al-Qaeda and the KKK sharing a space on the list, but not taking precedence. That's right, for some reason the authors of this agenda, the writers of this list, prioritized Christianity as the greatest threat. Check out the Washington Times article below.

Washington Times Article

We might think, well, there are extremist Christians, even ones that would hurt people, and they have carried out terrorist attacks. This is true. There are Christian groups in the United States that actually train with guns, and the government has some concerns with such groups, especially when it comes to instating their New World Order, but there’s something darker at play. It’s more than just extremist Christians that find themselves under attack. It's almost every facet of the religion.

It started simple enough. First people were taking bibles from schools. If bibles aren't 100% true this can seem justified in the Lord’s eyes, but if there’s darker agendas hidden behind, like getting rid of what truth lies within, we’d see there’s more evil at play than we first thought. They took bibles, they took prayer, and attacked public assembly in the name of God.  Now in America they’re censoring Christian talk in public events, removing bible verses from military guns, and taking horrible steps to demonize those of the faith. 

 People are now starting to get arrested for illegally housing the homeless. An old men was even arrested for feeding the poor. People are arrested handing out bibles. Cops are actually coming into soup kitchens and feed the poor events and laying charges on curators. I don’t think this is just to enforce the law, but think it has deeper ties to police mentality and Nazism, but those are other topics yet to come. Like I said, stick around and I’ll take you on a trip.

The above video shows a law passed which makes it illegal to feed the poor in public. This means, if a man was hungry on the side of the road, you couldn’t pass him a sandwich. This is all part of something darker. Good people don’t pass laws condemning charitable activity. They don’t make kindness illegal. This is the work of horrible morals and a crossbreed of atheism, Satanism, and whatever other evils are out there, but we’ll get to that later. For now check this out.

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