Thursday, February 4, 2016

Flat Earth: Logical Analysis

Image credit goes to Wikipedia:

After probing the science of our last post it seems there is logic in our current scientific knowledge. The barriers are capable of stopping electrons according to scientists, but not all matter. Apparently radio waves can travel through the barriers, as they are electromagnetic radiation. The same kind of radiation that makes up sunlight. This knocks out some credence to the conspiracy theory.

The only concepts that could give the barrier conspiracy any weight is if the flat earth folks are right, and the barrier is more solid than science is telling us. Scientists would be lying about quite a bit, as flat earth suggests the sun and moon would have to be closer than we're told. If the sun and moon were actually inside the fields it would explain travelling to the moon verses crossing solid barriers, but if the barriers can only stop electrons and other particles flat earth, once again, looks pretty shot. Well, that's what this blog is about. Not deceiving people, but studying for the truth. That's the truth as we see it. I'll end this post with another flat earth psyop warning and logical analysis.

Flat Earth Movement Analysis

I've made this comment before, but I'm going to share it with Red Sticker fans. I'm not trying to impede on true flat earthers, but the more I search for a reason to believe the conspiracy the less I find one. Is that a definitive reason not to believe one side or another? Of course not, but we have to be vigilant when searching for the truth. We can't let others say we're stupid for wanting answers amongst the lies.

Dubay wants us to believe the magic compass. He says people can't circumnavigate north and south because of government control, but east and west anyone can do it. He says the earth is flat, everyone circles the continents thinking they're going around the globe.

Image credit goes to A Planet Truth

 He has to be deliberately misleading people with this belief. Common sense tells you heading due west from America you're going to run into an ice wall instead of Japan. If there was really an ice wall the world would be talking about it all day, because anyone going west would find it. Also the Japanese crossed that sea when they bombed pearl harbour. That's well known history.

Google earth has a lot of science put into the globe. If you press cntl+l it will bring up the equator, lines of latitude, line of longitude, Capricorn, prime meridian, ect. If that system of navigation didn't work people would know. Longitude and latitude were around a long time before Google Earth. Educated people know about it. We learned about it in school. If you want to see if the earth is flat pick longitude and latitude coordinates for a point on your coast and travel there. Pick another point and travel there. If you end up where the destinations should be, or within a mile, you know the earth is a globe. Testing this will make it evident,as the flat earth map is distorted. Better yet, travel to Australia on the globe. Flat earth map has that way up northeast somewhere.

The flat earth map in the UN flag is easily explained with logical sense. It's a pole projection. People have been projecting maps since the 1800's. That's before any of us were in diapers, even the older folks reading this now weren't around in that era. It only makes sense that people making up the science would try a polar projection. Anyone would. It's the most artistic projection we have. I'm not a government advocate by any means, unless it's corruption free, but I find that to be honest about the matter.

Image credit goes to:

Image credit goes to:
Atlantic Records

B.O.B and Tila are two of the main proponents in the media supporting flat earth theory. B.O.B is signed to a major label, and so is Tila. Tila is a stripper that acts just like the epitome of the system. She isn't smart in that sense, and claims to be a truther. B.O.B is in a debate with Neil DeGrasse. Tell me why I shouldn't believe the whole thing isn't controlled, even B.O.B? Have you heard Obama's recent talk where he said "We don't have time for a meeting of the flat earther society."? What if that's what this is all about? Making truthers look stupid.

The only contradiction to the above analysis is if the controlled debate was a double whammy. If they knew the earth was flat, and they were trying to hide the truth, while using it to their benefit to make truthers look stupid. Still, it's a long shot.

Check out the following video by Vigilant Christian.

More Vigilant Christian Videos
(Watch with discernment)

The following video from White Rabbit suggests the same ideas:

More White Rabbit Videos
(Watch with discernment)

And this blog post I made

Can I say for certain what the shape of the earth is? Of course not. I would have to go to space and see it myself, but it's not fair to know this information and not share it.


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