Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Breaking News: Comet Ping Pong Shooting

The plot thickens on the Comet Ping Pong stage. Edgar Maddison Welch enters Comet Ping Pong and threatens workers with a rifle. Fires a single round into the ground. His mission? To save children from the underground tunnels, or find the truth about molestation ring. Information is already surfacing that Welch was a crises actor, and that the whole scenario was staged to frame truthers.

Vigilant Christian warns of a possible psyop.

Isn't it genius?

1) Wikileaks (owned by allegedly controlled Julian Assange) releases emails of Podesta linked to pizza pedophile code.
2) Controlled opposition truthers start sharing images of people, and linking it to FBI codes of pedophile logos. (Where do people find this stuff?)
3) The truth community gets roweled up.
4) Media talks about the conspiracy, and targets fake news sites. Social media gets on board and starts banning fake news sites, YouTube stops monetizing truther videos, and everything we do ranks lower on the net.
5) Truthers release videos about the fake news issue, and how media, and other giants are attacking our content.
6) BAM, ready to go, and ACTOR, of all people, goes to Comet Ping Pong with a gun as a cherry on top.

Media, and government, can now have a field day with going back to war against truthers, and criminalizing their content.

Was the shooting a hoax, was it all enacted by the government? Only time will tell as we're revealed more information.

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