Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Sinking The ISS - More Evidence of Fraud

The ISS supposedly travels 766 kilometers per second through the most hazardous place known to man. It shares space with satellites, and space debris, all moving at break neck speeds of 17,000 plus kilometers an hour. Imagine being an astronaut! Literally, anything could kill you, in any second, and you wouldn't know what hit you.

These guys don't care.

Look out man! Space rocks and satellites!

Forget shrapnel and flying debris. Has anyone taken a second to consider the heat of the thermosphere? Particles in the thermosphere reach an upward of 2000 degrees Celsius. It's difficult to argue heat cannot  pass through the ISS if it passes through particles at all. If particles in the thermosphere are known to reach these temperatures, what is keeping the ISS, all it's circuitry, and any astronaut on a space walk from boiling? What's keep satellites from melting? Heck, this must be a tad bit rough on geostationary satellites.

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