Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Electron Neutrinos - Journey Into The Earth

When searching the EMU(Electro Magnetic Universe) I found some interesting information. I don't subscribe to this theory as a complete, or conclusive modal, but it is interesting. It's fun to look through, considering some of the flaws we see in our current understanding. I was faced with this question, and decided to research.

Note - This is only one of many opposing ideas, and only one experiment.

 Breaking The EMU
  1.   According to the Electric Universe Model, Neutrinos have not been found; but we have been detecting them for years and they match the predictive models perfectly. The Electric Universe Model fails this test. - Comment by Aristotle Stagirus.
Lets start our research by getting a basic grasp on what the heck a neutrino is.
The majority of neutrinos in the vicinity of the Earth are from nuclear reactions in the Sun. About 65 billion (6.5×1010) solar neutrinos per second pass through every square centimeter perpendicular to the direction of the Sun in the region of the Earth.[11][12]

They come from the sun. Another source states over a trillion will pass through a human in their lifetime.

A whopping tens of thousands of neutrinos are passing through your body every second.

There are about 330 million of these neutrinos per m3

Wow, you wouldn't think you would have to try looking very hard to find one of those.

The first experiment to attempt to detect electron neutrinos from the sun was conducted by a detector in the bottom of the Homestake mine in South Dakoda in 1968.

Strange place to look for neutrinos. I mean, if there are billions on the surface of the earth, and this is the FIRST time you were looking for them, you wouldn't think you would start underground. Ah, who cares, right? That's as good as place as any.

Homestake Expirment

Detect neutrinos from the sun for the first time several miles underground.

Propose Argon-37 recipe

  1.  perchloroethylene, common dry cleaning fluid,  is poured into a tub of some kind. This is needed as it's high in chlorine and chlorine-37 is needed.
  2. Our magic neutrino particle will interact with the chlorine-37 atom to transform into a radioactive argon-37. 
  3. We'll know for sure our magic particle exists because the neutron creates it with chlorine-37 in our dry cleaning fluid.
  4. Use helium every several weeks to collect the argon-37.
In case anyone cares here's the proof chlorine-37 is present:

 Wait. In order to trust the experiment, we have to assume the elusive million/mph electron neutrino exists, and should see if argon-37 can be found anywhere else.

Radioactive 37Ar is a synthetic radionuclide that is created from the neutron capture by 40Ca followed by an alpha particle emission as a result of subsurface nuclear explosions.

Apparently we can form recipe #2 from our newly deducted information.

Argon Recipe #2
  1. A common neutron interacts with Calcium-40.
  2. We then interact with an alpha particle emission. 
Alpha particles consist of two protons and two neutrons bound together into a particle identical to a helium nucleus.


Wait a minute. Isn't helium used in the tanks every two weeks, to allegedly collect the produced Argon-37?

What about Calcium-40 what creates that?

Potassium-40 is a rare example of an isotope that undergoes all three types of beta decay. About 89.28% of the time, it decays to calcium-40.

Interesting Potassium-40.

  • Up 0.012% (120 ppm) of the total amount of potassium found in nature. 
  • Humans exert pottasium-40 as one of our most abundant radioactive waste products. Nearly every time we breath it contains pottasium-40. 
  • Pottasium-40 is found in common rocks.

They were trying to prove a particle existed by using a liquid combination with helium, which would have created argon-37 from any human contamination! 

 Human contamination possibilities during construction.

Swimming in the water shield.

Swimming in eductors.


We can trust their "first time" experiment to find these abundant sun particles deep underground, or consider the fact that every chemical they chose, and the conditions they were in, was conveniently creating the argon-37 they needed to prove their particle the whole time.

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