Friday, December 30, 2016

Firmament - Waters From The Waters

Brian Mullin has some pretty interesting thoughts in the video above. It made me wonder, and It clicks with some prior discoveries. I'm not endorsing it all, but the water bit is extremely interesting.

In the video above you will hear the first splash around 4 seconds, the springy thing is reacting to the pass through. Then there is a popping noise. This is nowhere near the end. There are several times I noticed bubbles. Also just after 16 seconds there is a watery shimmer of light. Then amazingly, at 2:16 the springy thing reacts to the pass through again. Back to earth. Soon after we get the loud water, as if we are falling through a fish tank. After this, the wind, as we pass back into the atmosphere.

That  bubble at 12 seconds passes right up the screen.

That 16 second bubble passes down to the right.

The video above is cool. Very professional quality. Just after 2:45 we hear the first faint splash. At close to 4:55 we have a very loud splash on return.

The video above is really cool. After about 40 seconds we pass through a sea of water. Sadly it's official videos from space, so the whole thing is hard to trust. The entry is cut short. GoPro's launch does the same thing. As if some are being very selective with footage. Notice at 1:42 a small piece falls away faster than the bottom of the rocket. It's long gone. Kind of makes BBCs feather footage with NASA suspect.

The video above is the best. I saved it for last. The whole time they call this "splash down." Notice we are above the clouds. In a couple of seconds you will experience the waters being passed through. It's a literal breaking of something, and then a shower. NASA tries to hide the truth. "We are back on earth." They are most certainly still above the clouds.

Now, something very interesting to think about.

Genisis 1:7
7God made the expanse, and separated the waters which were below the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse; and it was so.

Meet Auguste Piccard

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