Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Science - The Stupidity of Gravitational Waves

These geniuses are trying to prove a theory that can't be proved, and one that has no basis in existence.

We covered this in a lot of detail in our last post.


Listen carefully to what he insinuates "The objects are not falling, they are standing still."

This is what science would have us believe, instead of what we observe? Falling objects are standing still.

If they are not falling why do they hit the ground? Consider how the earth's orbit would effect this. If the earth was on downward orbit, falling away from the sun, the objects should never touch the ground.

Thanks science. For the last oh, I don't know, 300 years, you were teaching us objects were falling because of gravity, and now, thanks to BBC, in 2016, you can teach us that because of gravity, objects are standing still! We still love you.

They must salivate with duper's delight.

I'm not sure about the full content of the video above, but the intro makes good points.

Enstien basically said space is a flat cloth, where objects sit, creating indentations in space time.

Place another ball on the cloth, and see what it does to Einstein's theory.

One could say gravitational forces pulling objects away from each other, each time they orbit, causes them to perpetually pull themselves back up the dip. This seems logical, but at the same time, must be impossible.


If the image above was a real image of space we notice there are billions of objects, all at different heights. Space could not be a cloth with objects sitting on it. It would have to be millions, and billions of cloths, all with objects at different heights, similar heights, and the same height as other objects. How could all these indentations from bodies in space not interfere with each other?

We mentioned the detection of gravitational waves before. Lets go over it one more time, with new information.


"the scientists listened for 20 thousandths of a second"
"the two objects had begun by circling each other 30 times a second"
"By the end of the 20 millisecond snatch of data, the two had accelerated to 250 times a second before the final collision..."

That's right, in less than .03 seconds, 9,460,730,472,580,800,000,000 Kilometers away they knew their wave was two black holes 35 times the mass of the sun. They knew how many times they circled each other, and exactly how fast. They didn't even need binoculars! We'll teach you how they figured it out.

What they want us to believe is sending laser beams down tubes at a mirror, which bounces them back, will detect gravitational waves some several trillion miles away. Not only does it detect waves 1.3 billion light years away, these genius oracles can tell us EXACTLY what causes the wave.

Who needs binoculars or a telescope when you got these MacGyvers with a ball point pen, a laser beam, some bubble gum, and a mirror.

For one thing, laser beams travelling down tubes don't know outer space exists. Come on.

It looks as fake as it sounds! Imagine believing beams travelling in tubes, unaware of the outside world, will detect waves from that distance, and somehow, these geniuses know the exact cause.

Check the Wiki Article:


Einstein invents the theory of relativity in the early 1900's. By the 60's scientists conveniently dream up LIGO. By 2015 they have it built. By 2016, just one year later, they have their gravitational wave! Something smells fishy to me.

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